Forside Doula (99) - From Ego To Essence

    Doula (99) – From Ego To Essence

    Bodhi Jeffreys is an American consciousness teacher who coaches and mentors individuals, couples, entrepreneurs and CEOs. He guides people in shifting from being reactive, stressed and ineffective — to being naturally calm, responsive, highly functional, open-hearted and empowered. Bodhi was a CEO for 20 years, has a Ph.D. in psychology, and is a university faculty member. For more information on Bodhi:
    In this program, Bodhi Jeffreys shares how we can transform our lives for the better by becoming far more self-aware, fully present,  and courageous enough to dare to live from love. He describes how living more from “essence” than from “ego” results in not only becoming more peaceful and loving, but more grounded and powerful.
    Would you like to be a wiser parent, a better lover, more deeply connected with those you care about? Tune in to this episode of the Doula show!